Euroopa Komisjon näeb mandri tulevikuna siia kolinud Aafrikat
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(FILES) In this file photo taken on August 22, 2018 a group of men hold a Spanish flag before going to the Temporary Immigrant Stay Center after over 100 migrants forced their way into the Spanish territory of Ceuta. - Ten migrants, who participated in a violent assault on the double border fence between Morocco and the Spanish enclave of Ceuta in July, were arrested on August 28, 2018, the Spanish Civil Guard said. (Photo by Joaquin SANCHEZ / AFP)
Euroopa Parlamendi saadik Jaak Madison kirjutab sotsiaalmeedias, et Euroopa Komisjoni Instagrami lehele on pandud pilt ja tekst juurde: “Think future. Think next generation”, pildil aga on aafriklane.
“Ma mõtlen palju tõesti tulevikust, nagu Euroopa Komisjon üles kutsub. Paraku hirmuga, et järgmised põlvkonnad ei ela enam euroopalikus Euroopas. Juba täna ei ela,” kommenteerib saadik.