France Presse: koroonaviirus on tapnud Euroopas rohkem inimesi kui Aasias
5 aastat ago
March 10, 2020, Milano, Italia: (INT)..Coronavirus COVID-19 in Italy...March 10,2020,Milan,Italy:Part of Italy is in Isolation until April 3.The Government of Italy has decreed an Isolation measure because of the increase in the new Coronavirus in the Lombardy region, including the country's economic capital, Milan and 11 more Provinces. Today at around 6:30 pm, in Piazzale Loreto, in the center of Milan, you can see the deserted city at a time that before you could not even walk and imagine passing by car. In stores you can see employees wearing masks and gloves to protect themselves from the Coronavirus, and outside the pharmacy you can see long queue of people and it is necessary to keep a distance of 1 meter from person to person .The stores closed at 6 pm, MC Donald's a great fast food store that is open 24 hours in Milan and is closed due to the virus. In the Metropolitan Region of Loreto it is practically deserted at a time when it was crowded and sometimes people could not even get on the subway and had to wait for the next one to arrive with the hope of getting there...Credit Erika Moreira/Thenews2 (Credit Image: © Erika Moreira/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Wire)
Euroopas on koroonaviiruse haigus COVID-19 nõudnud rohkem inimelusid kui Aasias, teatas kolmapäeval uudisteagentuur AFP, viidates ametlikele andmetele.
Kolmapäeva pärastlõunaks oli Euroopas kokku kinnitust saanud 3421 ja Aasias 3384 surmajuhtumit. Kokku on viirus nakatanud 194 000 inimest ja nõudnud 7873 inimelu.
Euroopas on haigus laastanud kõige rängemini Itaaliat, kus see on nõudnud 2503 inimelu. (AFP/BNS)