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Ideoloogiline kultuurisõda kogub hoogu: Washingtoni protestijad võtsid maha Konföderatsiooni kindrali kuju

June 20, 2020, Washington, District of Columbia, USA: Police officer photographing and documenting the destruction by Black Lives Matter protesters of the statue of Brig. Gen. Albert Pike in Judiciary Square around 11 pm. Demonstrators arrived at 10 pm and used a rope to hang and then drag the statue of its base to the ground. It was then set on fire with lighter fluid and spray painted. D.C. Police, whose headquarters are located on the same block of the statue, put the fire out but did not interact with protesters. The statue was erected in 1901 by sculptor G. Trentanove to honor Pike, was was acclaimed poet and a leading Freemason. Known for his various sayings, ironically among them: ''What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.'' And: ''Philosophy is a kind of journey, ever learning yet never arriving at the ideal perfection of truth.'' Pike’s statue was the city’s lone confederate monument. This completed a otherwise peaceful day of demonstrations celebrating Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day, Jubilee Day, Liberation Day, and Emancipation Day or the Black Fourth of July, is an American holiday that commemorates June 19, 1865 for the emancipation of those who had been enslaved in the United States. (Credit Image: © Amy Katz/ZUMA Wire)

Rassismi ja politseivägivalla vastased protestijad võtsid reede õhtul Washingtonis maha Konföderatsiooni kindrali Albert Pike’i kuju ja panid põlema, teatas Ühendriikide meedia.

Telekanali ABC7 hilisõhtuses uudistesaates näidati, kuidas Pike köiega alla tõmmati ning kümned meeleavaldajad selle “mustade elud loevad” loosungit skandeerides põlema panid.

President Donald Trump kirjutas Twitteris: “D.C. politsei ei tee oma tööd, vaid vaatab pealt, kuidas kuju alla võetakse ja süüdatakse. Need inimesed tuleks otsekohe kinni pidada. Häbi meie riigile!”


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