Uued Uudised

Hollandi politsei tulistas Amsterdami lennujaamas noaga vehkinud tansaanlast

September 25, 2020, Paris, France, France: Police forces are patroling near the scene of an attack in which several people were injured near the former offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo by a man wielding a knife in the capital Paris on September 25, 2020. A man armed with a knife seriously wounded two people on September 25, 2020, in a suspected terror attack outside the former offices of French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo in Paris, three weeks into the trial of men accused of being accomplices in the 2015 massacre of the newspaper's staff. Charlie Hebdo had angered many Muslims around the world by publishing cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed, and in a defiant gesture ahead of the trial this month, it reprinted the caricatures on its front cover. (Credit Image: © Alexis Sciard/IP3 via ZUMA Press)

Hollandi sõjaväepolitsei tulistas Amsterdami Schipholi lennujaamas suure noaga vehkinud meest ja pidas kinni ühe teise mehe; juhtumit ei peeta terroristlikuks.

Marechaussee teateas esmaspäeva õhtul Twitteris, et Schipholi lennujaama lahkuvate lendude saalis tulistati jalga meest, kes eiras korraldust nuga maha panna.

Teisipäeval anti teada, et noaga mees oli 27-aastane Tansaania kodanik, kes on varemgi probleeme tekitanud. Juurdlus käib, kuid terroristlikke motiive ei eeldata.

Tansaanlane viidi haiglasse. Keegi teine vahejuhtumis viga ei saanud. Lennujaamas oli koroonaviirusest tingitud reisipiirangute tõttu harilikust vähem rahvast. (AP-BNS)

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