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Islamistid Malmös kutsuvad üles sõjale juutide vastu ja Rootsi riik ei tee vaenuõhutuse vastu midagi

November 8, 2019: Gaza, Palestine. 08 November 2011. Palestinians demonstrate in Abu Safiya in the northern Gaza Strip during the 82 nd “Great March of Return” rally along the Gaza-Israel border. According to local medical sources, dozens of protesters were injured by Israeli forces’ live ammunition and teargas during this week demonstrations in eastern Gaza. Demonstrators had joined the border protests at a few sites along the Gaza-Israeli border, with some throwing rocks towards the fence and the Israeli soldiers stationed on the other side. According to the Israeli army, a few protesters launched improvised explosive devices and an incendiary bottle. Since March 2018, Gazans have been holding weekly “Great March of Return” demonstrations near the border with Israel calling for the lift of the Israeli blockade from the Strip. Despite a large number of paramedics present at the sites, the protests have had at a high human cost, as more than 310 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli fire and more than 19,000 have been injured during the events (Credit Image: © Ahmad Hasaballah/IMAGESLIVE via ZUMA Wire)

Praegu räägitakse palju sellest, kuidas Euroopas kasvavat “paremäärmuslus” ja antisemitism, kuid ütlemata jäetakse see, kuidas juudivastasuse taga on suuresti islamistid.

IsraelUnwired kirjutab sellest, kuidas Lähis-Ida riikides tavalised meeleavaldused, kus karjutakse “Juudid merre!” või “Põletage Iisrael!”, on muutunud tavapäraseks ka Rootsis – loos on juttu Malmöst, kus moslemid karjuvad meeleavaldusel: “Sihtige ja tulistage juute!”, “Marssigem Jeruusalemma peale!”, “Allah akbar!”

Portaal nendib, et Lääne ajakirjandus selliseid sündmusi ei kajasta, nad on tegelikkuse suhtes pimedad. Äärmusislam õhutab Rootsis Lähis-Ida konflikti, aga see riik vaikib.

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